Each architect communicates through his/her own vocabulary a vision of space, trying to anticipate and to respond to the transformation and development of the human experience in it. Using light, shadow, space, textures, materials, each work appeals differently to each individual’s perception on his/her self, the world one lives in, beliefs and principles one lives with. How did these projects develope? How did they shape the public or personal existence?

The exhibition will also include a multi-media component, which will complement the printed projects and offer visitors an unique interactive experience, through the video- audio essays that show the sensorial ( light- shadow dialogue, space, textures, materials) and human experience from the spaces generated by the design and construction process.

The exhibition aims to highlight the complexity of contemporary manifestations and expressions of architecture. In order to explore new areas, required by the social, economic, cultural context, to identify the directions of development of the urban space, but also the implementation of new technologies and innovations in the built area, R[ewind]A[cces]M[emory]  invites us to look at the already created spaces and to analyze the sensory and human experiences generated.

R[ewind]A[cces]M[emory] – Looking Back with New Perspective will inspire the public by showcasing the most creative Romanian architectural projects, which were awarded and nominated at the 2015, 2017, 2019, 2021 editions of the Architecture Biennale – North- East Region, in the sections: Residential Architecture (individual and collective housing); Architecture of public buildings; Industrial Architecture; Interior Design; Restoration, Rehabilitation, Reconversion; Projects, Studies, Participative Architecture.

For more information about the exhibition , you can visit the OAR Iasi web- site: https://oar-iasi.ro/evenimente/rewind-acces-memory/