The HEREWEAR project explores biobased, circular, and local innovation for textiles and fashion. Guidelines for designers have been developed to support practices that include low impact biobased materials, that extend lifecycles and consider recycling, and that are relevant for localised manufacturing and use. 

In this session, the HERREWEAR design researchers will share the guidelines and insights with the participating brands and engage in a hands-on activity to embody this knowledge. Participants can expect to learn about life cycle extension strategies in the design phase and in the recovery phase, and apply these ideas to experimental work guided by the HEREWEAR researchers.

The session will focus on extending the use phase through locally relevant remaking practices. With printing and modular laser embellishments on end-of-life garments, the participants will explore new recipes for circular design. The aim of the activity is to expand the horizon for circular design practices and offer a tailored discussion to each brand on their approach to sustainable fashion.

The workshop will be held by Becky Early, a design researcher and award-winning research team leader at University of the Arts London and Laetitia Forst, a textile design researcher at the same university. Both of them work at the Centre for Circular Design on the HEREWEAR project to explore design guidelines for the development and use of novel biobased materials in circular and locally responsive systems, with support from Andreea Sofronea and Elvys Sandu, co-designers, makers and projects coordinators at REDU and Mai bine.

APPLICATION FORM: Deadline: 21 May, 23.00 PM.