Vlad Mercori

I’m Vlad Mercori and I’m confidently looking the future straight in the eye. As CEO of Stakeborg my first job is to keep abreast of everything that’s going on in the technology that’s changing our lives at a rapid pace. I try to understand, ask myself questions, look for the answers and then pass the story on to those who will listen. In recent years there are more and more of them, which speaks more about technology than it does about me, who is just a bugler for the inevitable: embrace innovation or fall behind.

Andrei Constantin

Blockchain technology is often seen as a complex and difficult concept to understand, which makes many people avoid the topic altogether without studying it. I’m Andrei Constantin and I started working in this industry about 3 years ago, during which time I taught myself, and from scratch, it’s many ramifications and spheres of usefulness. 

A discussion about blockchain could easily take a couple of hours, but after these 3 years of work, what could I say is great about this field? The fact that each of us can choose our desired learning curve that molds to our own personality, curiosity, and perspective.

The future belongs to the brave.