“IN” is a concept that started from a fictional character created during the university studies, at the University of Art and Design in Cluj-Napoca. “IN” is a nomadic character who travels through different conceptual fictive spaces, with diametrically opposed climatic states. He manages to adapt to each environment, developing the basic principles of the brand that bears his name. The name itself is better understood through the motto “IN THE END OF RAIN”, which was the self-explanatory phrase attributed to the visual identity of the brand.

The origin of the name promotes the basic principles of the brand, which will underlie the entire development of our products: versatility, utility, and functionality are attributes that are always in our focus. We primarily aim to develop “ready-to-wear” products, with a focus on the most common pieces in Streetwear clothing, always taking care to offer updates of form, versatility, through accessorizing and durability. We try to offer the possibility of a minimalist outfit, with subtle utility characteristics, resulting in the complexity of the final product. Each piece has video instructions for use, in which all the characteristics of the final product are exposed

The complexity is also found in the brand’s colour range, with each piece having six primary and secondary colours: Blue, Red, Yellow, Green, Orange, and Purple. These produce a “playground” for our creativity, offering an interactive note among the tones of White, Black, and Gray that we use. Interaction with the public is developed both through their possibility to choose a specific colour, but also through the versatility of the pieces and the possibility of individual accessorizing, which highlights the creativity of each personality.


Furthermore, interactive pieces can be treated with the trust denoted by the variety of materials used. Both the resistance and quality, as well as the personalization of each product, are approached professionally, offering the public the best final version of the desired product. In conclusion, from a conceptual and practical point of view, “IN” aims to present a series of outfits perfectly adapted for all moments of the day, regardless of unpredictable weather conditions.