“A man may fish with the worm that hath eat of a king, and eat of the fish that hath fed of that worm.”

Hamlet, a world that embraces the fragility of human nature and its transparency in an Elsinore that seems to be getting bigger every day.

How big is a man in a small world?

“Hamlet” is a non-verbal theater-dance piece that takes us into the intimacy of its characters. 

We can say “words, words, words…”

“Hamlet” is a show made after my personal perspective as a choreographer. Through this piece, I make a comparison between the Shakespearean world and the emotions we feel in our contemporary lives. In the construction of the choreography, I worked closely with each one of the performers, finding a path to portray their identity in this story. In this process, I traced the paths of each character comparing them with my own emotions and the one of the performer. Using onyrical images, the audience is taken into a dynamic journey that paints the inner reality of Hamlet as a character and how it connects with my own life-story. This show is a reflection of our emotions reacting to tragedy using the movement as a mean of communication.

Gabriel Scalschi

Gabriel Scalschi is a choreographer and performer based in Iasi, Romania. He attended the choreography program at the Theater College of the National University of Arts “George Enescu” from Iasi. He has obtained an undergraduate degree (class 2020) and a master’s degree (class 2022), in the class of professor Lorette Enache. Currently, he’s part of the Theater Directing program at the same institution.

He started dancing while he was studying philology at “Lațcu Vodă” Technical Licee in Siret, Romania. Dance was just an escape from the routine for him, but over time this art form became a lifestyle for him.

Scalschi’s style addresses the theatricality of movement, immersing it into a deeply personal area. Because of this exploration he could understand that movement has no limits, taking the movement to unknown emotions… “I believe that the beauty of people is given by their fragility and at the moment I cannot exist spiritually and physically without theater and dance”.

He participated in the “No Exi(s)t – theatrical research laboratory”, organized by Andreea Jighirgiu Darie at Teatrul din Stejar, a project sponsored by the Municipality of Iasi. He collaborated in the production “Zelda was not from around here” (directed by Ovidiu Ivan) as a performer and sound designer. He has also worked with the “George Apostu” Cultural Center from Bacău on projects such as “7 Scrisori cu Autoaprindere” or “La Est de Sud”.

During his years at the University, Gabriel created the shows “RIChard III” (an online video-dance projection inspired by the text of William Shakespeare), SKALSKI (joint performance with the visual artist Aurel Asanache) and his dissertation production “HAMLET”.

Some of the shows where he performed with the National University of Arts “George Enescu” of Iasi include: “Du-te soare, vino lună” by Iulia Dolinschi, “Nastasia” adaptation made by Ovidiu Ivan, “Out of the blue” by Alice Veliche, “Democracy/ No Mercy” by Mălin Galan, “Who’s the real God?” by Ștefana Popa, “Psyche” by Dimitrescu Georgiana.

Over time, he participated in workshops held by Ștefan Lupu, Andreea Novac, Georgeta Corca, Andreea Gavriliu, Joost Vrouenraets, Mihai Mihalcea, Ladjánszki Márta, Dávid Dabóczi, Attila Bordás, Vika Medvedeva, Noémi Bezsán, Arcadie Rusu, Kányádi György, Liviu Dospinescu, Barbara Sylvain, Virginia Negru, Daniel Dragomir, Guillaume Siard.