The Order of Architects of Romania- Iasi Branch aims to encourage theoretical and applied manifestations in the field of architecture, through programs addressed both to members of the organization, to students of the Faculty of Architecture, but especially to the general public, including architecture exhibitions, creative competitions and the publication of books, magazines or specialized albums. Through its activity, OAR Iași has the mission to convince society that architecture is, first and foremost, an act of culture of public interest, with urban, economic, social and ecological implications. Also, by means of collaboration protocols concluded with the of Iasi Architects Association, the ARHIAS Cultural Association,the De-a Arhitectura Association and the Iasi Builders Guild, the Iasi  Register of Urban Planners, the local administrations as well as with the other branches of the Order of Architects and, last but not least, with the help of countless partners and sponsors, a series of cultural events have been organized in the last ten years, such as Architecture Annuals and Biennials, Architecture MUST and Architecture Festivals, which have contributed to creating the appropriate context for disseminating the values of the architects’ guild among the general public.