Co-producion of M Studio & Company Fren_Ák

The performance takes an original approach to the classic Shakespearean tragedy. Fren_Ák’s concept aims to penetrate the deeper layers of the story, capturing the inner struggles of the characters rather than the social conflicts. It is concerned with the tragedy that unfolds on the inner, emotional level, as the two young people fall into the grip of their own illusions. The choreogtapher is concerned with the underlying tensions, showing the clash between two individuals trapped in their desires and illusions distorted by consumer society. Man becomes a puppet alienated from his environment, his community, his partner and ultimately himself.

Date of premiere: 27 July 2022.,  as part of the 4th edition of Flow International Movement Theatre Festival

The production was co-financed by: City Hall of Sfântu Gheorghe, Bethlen Gábor Fund and The Administration of National Cultural Fund (AFCN)

Concept, choreography: Fren_Ák

Creation assistant: Eoin Mac Donncha

Music: Halász Gábor

Scenography: Victoria Frenák

Decor: Zoltai György

Marionette and masks: Majoros Gyula

Performers: Balázs Judith, Deák Zoltán, Veres Nagy Attila

Technical crew: Bartók Enikő, Both Melinda, Chirițescu György, Szabó Huba 


Pál Frenák was born in Budapest in 1957. His childhood was marked by the fact that his parents were severely hearing impaired, making sign language his first means of expression. This rendered him especially receptive towards mimicry and gestures and all other ways of expressing content with the help of the human body. In 1999 he transformed the ten-year-old Compagnie Pal Frenák into a Hungarian-French international cooperation by completing the company with young Hungarian dancers. The ensemble is widely known for its unique style of dance that integrates mimicry, sign language and body language.

M Studio

M Studio is a dance theatre company founded in 2005 in Sfântu Gheorghe. The artistic universe of the group is formed through a specific and unique choreographic language, born from the organic fusion of physical theatre, contemporary dance and powerful visuality. Through its artistic program M Studio promotes the values of contemporary dance and experimental theatre, creating innovative performances directed by internationally acclaimed creators and choreographers.