UBIC by Flaviana Isachi și David Dumitrescu

Ubic is a new fashion brand that has a unique approach to sustainable fashion. The brand has daring designs that draw inspiration from the works of renowned artists Christo and Jean Claude and Isamu Noguchi.

Ubic, is defined by the constant experimentation with different perspectives and pattern changes to create clothing that is not only visually appealing but also can change form and silhouette challenging the traditional notions of fashion, making a statement that fashion can be both functional and sustainable.

The brand questions the relation between the wearer and the clothing, how much is one defined by the other, and what they mean.

The brand’s commitment to sustainability is evident in the materials they use. They thrift pieces and use eco-friendly materials, including bioplastics, to create their designs.

Ubic is a brand for the modern, conscious consumer who values sustainability and individuality. The unique designs are a true testament to the brand’s commitment to making a positive impact on the fashion industry while still maintaining their bold and daring style.