CLAUDIU TOMA is an associate architect at Parasite Studio and is mainly concerned with projects that address the challenge of contemporary living, participating as author or co-author in various national and international exhibitions, including “INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURAL MODEL FESTIVAL KEK -100 rooms 100 models – Budapest, Hungary” in 2008 or “International architecture exhibition 99 STORIES ON MAKING ARCHITECTURAL COMPETITIONS, Architekturzentrum Wien, Austria” in 2009. He has been awarded numerous prizes for his participation in a number of architectural competitions as author or co-author of projects. These include the First Prize for the temporary Pavilion Memories of the Fortress, Timisoara Cultural Capital 2021.


FRANÇOISE PAMFIL is an architect, publisher, critic, teacher and architectural theorist. She is concerned with researching the relationship between space – art – perception – city, and has been invited to debates, conferences and radio and television shows on architecture and urban culture. Francoise is a trainer of architects and a Visiting Professor at universities in the USA, the Netherlands, the UK, France and Egypt. She has published numerous articles in notable journals, is author and co-author of influential works in architecture and has been awarded numerous prizes for her work in this field. Her work includes, among others, participation as a member of juries in international competitions and conferences on architecture, urbanism and heritage.


IOANA CIOLACU is a Romanian fashion designer with over a decade of experience in the clothing industry. Having a double major in architecture and fashion design, Ioana’s professional experience includes working as a Designer and Creative Consultant for her own brand “Ioana Ciolacu”, serving on the organizing committee of Romanian Creative Week.She is known for organizing and participating in numerous fashion festivals where she has won numerous awards.


MARIA BILAȘEVSCHI is an art critic and curator from Iasi, interim president of the Union of Fine Artists, Iasi branch, with experience in coordinating cultural and national projects and initiator of numerous collaborations with national and international art galleries to promote young artists. She is also a lecturer at the National University of Arts in Iasi, and has published several volumes on contemporary art and writes reviews in specialized magazines on the current artistic phenomenon. Maria Bilașevschi is interested in the current artistic phenomenon. Through the publication of several volumes of contemporary art and reviews in specialized magazines she has received numerous awards, including the National Prize for Art Criticism, by UAP Romania in 2021.


MARIUS CĂTĂLIN MOGA is an architect, co-founder of Atelier MASS, and is involved in various projects that have received recognition and awards, including Romania’s representation at the 2010 Venice Biennale with the Superbia project. The alternative experience in the office led to the opening of the miniMASS Association, a sister organisation of the office, which focuses on alternative approaches to architecture and urbanism Through miniMASS, in collaboration with Cărturești Foundation and the Order of Architects in Romania, he initiated and launched the “Independent Someș Delivery” project, which aims to highlight the potential of the river Someș in the future development of Cluj. Marius Cătălin Moga currently runs his own architecture firm, ECOU studio, which focuses on sustainable architecture.