The World is on fire. Climate crises, resources crises, ideologies crises. We are increasingly losing nature, peace and the harmony that is supposedly keeping it all together.  We are getting poorer, more polarised, and more extreme. Wars all over the world, near and far, are unveiling true misery, yet we do our best to cover it in #barbiecore pink.  Radical ideologies channel people’s fears and disappointments. Food & overall crucial resource precariousness is revealing new age classism, and ultimately kills.  Green thinking has failed again, turning yet once more in history into green washing, and, on the brink of wars is deemed frivolous altogether. The “last generation” is labelled as terrorist for wanting a future. Rational choice theories and neoliberal economies have failed us; development tied to growth has failed us. The display of luxury is the new pornography; offending the many and caroming (deep) hate and fake.

But what are the bowel movements of these crises? How about we look at the absolute small to understand the “wonderous sequence of history”?

What are the microhistories, the personal narratives, the struggles, and the intestines of it all? And how does craft thinking tackle these problems?

It is clear we cannot stay silent. It is clear we must act, it is clear we must find a shared common future. Ways to propagate the magic, to regenerate the resources, to spread the intelligence. Strength lies in togetherness.

Craft thinking proposes exactly this: opting out of consuming networks by re-discovering ancient webs. Opting out of current economies by using the same resources for 100x the life cycle. Regenerating at every step, cherishing the gifts around as natural, ethereal and human. A spiritual ritual where time is the supreme offering. We take a glance back and a glance forward. Referencing Fluxus and Actionism as a historical loop.

In our third act of opening up a platform for dialogue blurring the boundaries between arts, crafts, design and architecture, we learn, again, from nature.  Impatiens glandulifera is a plant with bright pink flowers, deemed invasive, creeping where you least expect it, fought so hard around the world with the weirdest of means. With no success. According to traditional medicine, which was ultimately popularised by Edward Bach in the early 1900s, its healing function comes to balance out the stress, the fright and the impatience. It has seed pods that burst out at the lightest touch, being able to fly as far as 7 metres. One plant can produce up to 2500 seeds. It flowers until late autumn and because of its bright pink colour and wonderful smell it lures the bees into pollinating long after other flowers are gone, giving them nectar in return to produce large amounts of honey.

We strive to be as loud: to look at the ugly, at the intestines, at the disturbing. To speak out loud the unspoken. To join forces with you, to lure you into making more honey. Because we need the seeds to fly far and the cross-pollinations to be invasive. If you feel the tremor of impatience, please join us, actively, in a continuous performance & around the common table. Please spread the word far and wide. There’s no time to be silent anymore. It’s time to act. It’s time to make.


Location: Turkish bath

20.05 – 16:00 – Opening

21.05 – 12:00 – Common Table: artist talk Studio AMOS (UK)

22.03 – 19:00 – Common Table: Possible Public Space

24.03 – 19:00 – Common Table: artist talk Quiet Ensemble (IT)

25.03 – 19:00 – Common Table: artist talk Laetitia Forst (UK) & REDU (RO)

26.03 – 19:00 – Common Table: live performance – CUIB dinner – auction of works for an international scholarship (INVITE ONLY)

27.03 – 19:00 – Common Table: Quartz Matrix. Digitization and creativity for efficiency and sustainability

Consiliul Județean Iași