FELIX AFTENE lives and works in Iași but he has a sustained artistic activity on the national and international scene in various media – painting, sculpture, mural painting, new media. In 1996, he graduated as head of promotion from the “George Enescu” Academy of Arts in Iași, Mural Painting section. Since 2013 he is president of the Iași Branch of the Union of Visual Artists in Romania (UAP). In 2016 he obtained his doctorate in visual arts at the National University of Arts “George Enescu” in Iasi with a work dedicated to contemporary visual arts. He has had over 40 personal exhibitions in museums or international art galleries in the country and Austria, USA, Great Britain, Greece, Germany, Switzerland, France, Italy, Spain, Canada, Denmark, Hungary, Israel, Moldova. In 2016, he was awarded the National Prize for Painting of the UAP and received over 40 other awards and distinctions for his artistic activity nationally and internationally.