Silvia Trăistaru (b. 1979)  is a visual artist and independent conservator. Her artistic practice is interdisciplinary and includes painting, drawing, sculpture, video and photography works. In recent years, she has been using drawing in her own manner, as therapy (instinctively relating to the innerwise method) and explores areas of the subconscious. Silvia is particularly interested in direct observation of nature and interspecies communication. Founder of STart CONSERVATION, a conservation-restoration studio specialized in modern and contemporary art, she works with the most important private collections and galleries on the Romanian art scene.

In 2010 she was awarded the Arte Laguna special prize, Venice, IT and a finalist for the 26th edition of The Artist Magazine competition. “The Story of a Day”, Camera 30/ Atelierele Malmaison, Bucharest, “Tender Drawings About Love and Life”, E T A J artist-run space, Bucharest, “The Story of a Day/ The Story of a Day During the Pandemic”, from the National Museum of Old Maps and Books, “Unwritten Process”, part of IEEB7 – Fabricated Histories. Truth and Fiction in Recent History, curator Olivia Nitis, Institute of Art History, Bucharest, RO and “The Last Communist’s Convention”, Atelier 35, Bucharest, RO are the artist’s most important solo shows.

Among the group exhibitions in which she participated are: “Behind The Times”, Solo Show / Alyssa Davis Gallery, New York, USA; “Social Isolation”, Rattha Gallery, Santiago, CL; CAR. – Contemporary Art Ruhr, Essen, DE; Join The Dots / Connect The Distances, Trieste, IT; Imago Mundi – The Art of Humanity, Treviso, IT; Doina, Anexa MNAC, Bucharest, RO; Body World II, Victoria Art Center, Bucharest, RO; The New Figurative, Victoria Art Center, Bucharest, RO; Your Name in Lights, John Baldessari, The Holland Festival and The Stedelijk Museum, NL; Nord Art – Kunst in der Carlshutte, DE; Mobilehome, Lagar das Portas do Ceu, Loule, PT, curator Nuno Faria.