Paul Baraka Marat (b.1994, Arad) lives and works in Timisoara. Paul Baraka Marat’s practice is articulated in a direction that explores different areas of the grotesque and its possible interception with the contemporary world, his focus being centered around the idea of the aesthetics of the ugly, and his works are materialized in the form of painting, sculpture and installation. At the same time, Paul BK. M. also develops a path in the area of drawing and engraving, which in turn are in the same thematic area of the grotesque. In 2013, together with three colleagues of his generation, he starts the project of an artistrun space, namely Baraka Artist-run space, a space located in Timișoara focused on experimentation and research in the field of visual art.

In 2021 he becomes a member of the Baraka Artist Cultural Association, an independent collaborative initiative focused on the contemporary art area, at the same time representing a cultural entity involved in developing a real dialogue between art and the general public through workshops and interactive programs. 

Artwork: Sometimes we just don’t want to see