Alexandru Burlacu

Alexandru Burlacu (b. 1993, Iași) is a graduate of the National College of Art “Octav Băncilă” Iași (2012), of the National University of Arts “George Enescu Iași (2015), with a master’s degree in the field of sculptuer, at the same university (2017 ). A dynamic presence in the local and national artistic life, he participated in dozens of creative camps, salons, exhibitions, some of his works being awarded and retained in public spaces, private collections or art museums in Bucharest, Iași, Timișoara, Vaslui , etc. Awarded two consecutive years with the “Studio 35” prize (Iași, 2018, 2019),he  was also present at “Art Safari” (Bucharest, 2019) and in Timisoara he obtains the 3rd prize at the International Sculpture Symposium for young artists (“Stone Residence Prize ”, 2017).

Winner of the “Dan Hatmanu” Scholarship (member of the Artists Union in Iasi from 2020), he was given the chance to work in the studio of the late dean of the artists from Iasi, but with frequent trips in the territory – lately, especially for the project “Via Transilvanica ”, to which he was a major contribution.