How important is it to talk about the designer’s creative space and, in general, what is the relationship between the physical place where an artist creates and his work?

Some spaces become so personal that they themselves can be considered a tool for understanding the designer’s creation. It is where the stylistic imprint is felt in every detail, and the remnants of previous experiments become the perfect archive to access in the future.

We created WONDERLANDS out of a desire to bring to the public, for the first time, an extremely intimate space rarely revealed to others. We thus approached the creative universes of six designers – Lucian Broscățean, Ioana Ciolacu, Alexandru Florea, Octavia Chiru, Lucian Alexandru Arsene, Andreea Bădală – which we reinterpreted, together with architect Elena Viziteu Ionescu and architect Anda Zota, and grouped them in a surprising installation hosted, as usual, by the Palace of Culture in Iași.