Teodora Velescu

Teodora Velescu is a Romanian performer and choreographer based in Bucharest. She specialised in classical dance at the Choreography High School “Floria Capsali.” She has since earned a Bachelor’s degree in Choreography as well as a Master’s degree in dance pedagogy. She works primarily in the field of contemporary dance.

She worked with some of Romania’s most important cultural institutions, including the Bucharest National Theatre, the Bucharest National Opera, and the Comic Opera for Children, as well as independent companies such as Tangaj Collective, Vanner Collective, Linotip, and others.

She has appeared in a number of prestigious national and international theatre and dance festivals. She signs choreography for theatre and film productions and teaches dance.

Her love of movement and desire to unravel the mysteries of the human body drive her every interaction with dance. She collaborates with artists from a variety of disciplines to broaden her horizons. Her research and creation of dance is motivated by the connection between the two, particularly the transfer of ideas and tools.

Ștefan Lupu

Was born in Sfântu Gheorghe, on May 8, 1985.

He graduated Theatre and Television Faculty of ”Babes-Bolyai” University from Cluj Napoca, Acting section, 2008 promotion, with Miklos Bacs as professor. 

Between 2008-2010 he attended the master’s studies of the National University of Theater Arts and Cinematography (UNATC), Acting section.

In 2019 he completed his studies at the doctoral school within the U.N.A.T.C., under the guidance of conf. phd. Paul Chiributa and prof. dr. Gelu Colceag, with the thesis “Playing the Mask Technique in the Actor’s Art (The Neodimensional Actor)”. 

Currently he is attending the master’s course in theater direction at the International Institute of Arts Performative – NIPAI Berlin. Also, he is a university lecturer. dr. within the U.N.A.T.C. “I.L. Caragiale”, where he teaches Physical Theatre, Stage Movement and Contemporary Dance. 

Since 2008 he has been an actor employed at the Small Theater in Bucharest, and since November last year he also holds the position of interim manager of the Small Theatre. 

He collaborates with LINOTIP – a contemporary dance company and with different theatres from Bucharest, both as an actor and dancer or choreographer, especially focusing on conceiving theatre shows which he directs and signs the choreography.