Radu Băieș

Radu Băieș (b. 1988) is a painter from Cluj, graduated from the University of Art and Design Cluj-Napoca. He has collaborated and exhibited in galleries in Romania (Sector 1 Gallery in Bucharest; Quadro Gallery in Cluj-Napoca), but also in Germany, Taiwan and England (Kühlhaus Berlin, NUNU Fine Art Gallery in Taipei or John Martin Gallery in London).

His themes range from the pastoral world to mystical scenes that emanate symbolism, veiled in deliberate ambiguities, his compositions elaborating and representing a register of existence that is simultaneously somewhat apart from mundane realities, but at the same time functioning as its foundation. His iconography is subtly linked to that of a primary and cosmic Christianity, and the dreamlike atmosphere of his paintings reveals the symbols while preventing them from being reduced to univocal meanings.