COMMON PARTS by Ana Dinuță

Common Parts is a brand and manifesto. Founded by Ana Dinuță, creative spirit with an analytical mind, Common Parts is an up-cycling brand mainly targeting woman, inclined towards the luxury up-cycling, a brand that develops more and more unisex items. The brand and the designer question the waste management in the existing fashion system, working with fabric scraps that resulted from the industrial cutting or from small ateliers and other types of discarded fabrics and aims a ‘zero waste’ process for the entire production cycle. The Common Parts of a building are those subject for co-proprietorship, under the use and responsibility of all owners. The same way, in the brand’s vision, the clothing items will have to extend their lives by passing from owner to owner and enduring more than one construction/deconstruction/repurpose, towards reducing waste and at the same time counting on the word common that states we should do this together!

Common Parts exposes an aesthetics of process, the process of parts coming together to form a whole as the name calls. The choice of exposing the process at the same time de and con – structivist is justified first by the ‘raw material’ used – parts (small modules from scraps or parts of reclaimed items) and secondly by the brand’s mission, the signal for awareness on the power of actions taken together and the significance of everyone’s small action when replicated by others. The appearance of the Common Parts items is defined exactly by the aesthetics of the process and by the pleasure for experiments that remain visible in the finished item. A more explicit similarity would be with Jackson Pollock’s action painting applied on fabric scraps instead of paint and sewing lines instead of gestures and of course limited by the practical utility of a clothing item. The deconstructivism approach that the brand uses under the generic name of modular upcycling divides based on the raw material used:

  • first one includes the small scraps (resulted from the industrial cutting or from chopping of irretrievable items) sewn together in patchwork textures, that often receive hand decorative sewing.
  • the second is about the use of bigger parts, made of natural fabrics that do not loose quality over time, parts reclaimed from existing items: denim pants, dress shirts made of cotton, man formal jackets made of wool.
  • and the third counts on the emotional and includes artistically recomposed fabrics made by overlaying (the first two) results in waste artimages.

Common Parts belives in slowfashion as produces unique items (it cannot be identically replicated dew to the limited number of similar scraps) and discourages the compulsive and impulsive shopping by mainly working as made-to-order.